Edible flowers brighten your garden and are not only beautiful but are also edible.
Not only do edible flowers add some serious pizzazz to your garden, but they're also totally delicious! So, don't just settle for pretty - why not grow some edible flowers that can add some amazing flavours and colours to your next meal?
When we think about flowers, we don't tend to think of them as edible but only grown for scent, colours and for the bees, of course. Have you ever thought about using edible flowers in your meals?
It's exactly what it sounds like - flowers that you can eat!
Edible flowers are being embraced in all sorts of creative ways, especially as a beautiful topping on a salad.
Edible flowers are a beautiful and natural way to top off the food and drink you, love, especially as a topping on a salad to create a wow factor.
some common edible flowers in the UK